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Latest edition:   APR - MAY 2024 



MAY 2024

IHR-SP team in Pakistan welcomes new WHO Country Representative

 MAY 2024

Three years of IHR-SP support to the Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Program

MAY 2024

Enhancing Public Health across our partner countries with Chemical Hazards online training

MAY 2024

UKHSA’s IHR-SP recognised for its pivotal role in One Health in Nigeria at the 3rd Ibadan Public Health Conference 2024

MARCH 2024

A UKHSA IHR-SP initiative to pilot Open-Source Electronic Laboratory Information Management System (eLIMS) in the Public Health Reference Laboratory of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan

FEB 2024

IHR-SP and Nigeria CDC Keep Pushing the annual simulation exercise programme

FEB 2024

Strategic partnerships: developing Africa's future laboratory leaders

FEB 2024

UKHSA IHR-SP Contribute to Strengthening Southeast Asia’s Capacity on Multisector Coordination in Chemical Events

DEC 2023 

IHR-SP facilitates One Health Joint Risk Assessment Workshop Held in Lusaka, Zambia

DEC 2023

Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response Road Map 2023 - 2028: Spearheading the future of IDSR in Pakistan

 NOV 2023 

Building Capacities and Forging Partnerships: UKHSA IHR Strengthening Project’s Quantum Geographic Information System Training Propels State Epidemiologists in Nigeria

 NOV 2023 

IHR-SP facilitate the first meeting of public health labs network in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

OCT 2023

IHR-SP Technical Experts Support ASEAN Workshop for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication in Emergencies    

OCT 2023

UKHSA’s IHR Strengthening Project Starts Work in Southeast Asia

OCT 2023

National meeting of Public Health Laboratories and Integrated Disease Surveillance & Response focal points to strengthen Public Health Lab Networks in Pakistan

SEPT 2023  

The IHR-SP One Health team supports the pilot of the WHO Response Preparedness Programme (RePrep) Operational Tool and the Workforce Development Operational Tool (WFD OT) in Ethiopia    

SEPT 2023  

Leadership and Management ‘train the trainer’ model put to the test in Zambia

SEPT 2023                                                           

Nigeria Demonstrates Improvement in its Second Joint External Evaluation (JEE)

SEPT 2023

Newly inducted surveillance officers trained by UKHSA’s International Health Regulations Strengthening Project to strengthen Integrated Disease Surveillance work in Baluchistan province of Pakistan

AUG 2023 

Strengthening dengue vector surveillance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province: A joint initiative of UKHSA and Integrated Vector Management (IVM) Program

AUG 2023

UKHSA’s IHR supports Zambia Multi-Hazards Emergency Preparedness Response Plan dissemination and orientation.

AUG 2023

UKHSA's International Health Regulation Strengthening Project and Pakistan’s National Institute of Health to develop collaborative action plan for capacity strengthening of Provincial Public Health Reference Labs of Punjab and Azad Jammu & Kashmir

JULY 2023

Developing the next generation laboratory leaders' workforce for the Public Health Laboratory Department of the Nigeria for Disease Control and Prevention

 JUNE 2023

The UKHSA IHR Strengthening Project’s support to the African Region through capacity building of poison centres

 JUNE 2023

UKHSA supported successful completion of 2nd Joint External Evaluation (JEE) in Pakistan

MAY 2023

UKHSA supported National Institute of Health (NIH), Pakistan to conduct training workshop on Monkeypox (Mpox) laboratory diagnosis         

MAY 2023

Supporting a case study on Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in Chongwe Zambia

MAY 2023

Supporting the Development of a Nigeria Poisons Service Roadmap

 MAY 2023

UKHSA in conjunction with Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) and Levy Mwanawasa Medical University (LMMU) conducted a training in Environmental Epidemiology to Master of Science Field Epidemiology fellows at LMMU  

APRIL 2023

The IHR-SP One Health team supports Nigeria’s National Multisectoral Coordination Mechanism Operational Tool Workshop

APRIL 2023

Laboratory Leadership Training for Resilient National Public Health Laboratories 13- 17 April Dakar, Senegal

 MARCH 2023

The Workforce Development Team Deliver Leadership Development Module to Field Epidemiology Training Programme in Zambia

MARCH 2023

UKHSA celebrated the successful completion of workforce development program in Pakistan, February 2023

MARCH 2023

MARCH 2023

IHR Strengthening Project Supports the Ethiopia Rabies Elimination Strategies through Enhancing Public and Veterinary Joint Rabies Surveillance Systems at Community Levels

MARCH 2023

Malaria Laboratory Diagnosis and Quality Assurance Training of Trainers in Ethiopia

MARCH 2023

Launch of the National One Health Strategic Plan for Zambia

MARCH 2023

Incident Management Training for Health Care Workers in Zambia

MARCH 2023

Empowering Data Analysts and Epidemiologists: The Introduction to R for Epidemiological Analysis Training in Nigeria

MARCH 2023

The Lancet Series on One Health and Global Health Security


IHR Strengthening Project Nigeria Team - Highlights from Q1 – Q3 2022/23 Financial Year


IHR Strengthening Project Supports the Ethiopia Subnational Amhara and Somalia One Health Task Forces


Pakistan In-Country Team Collaborates with WHO to Hold National Workshop on the 2nd Joint External Evaluation (JEE)


Step-Down Delivery of Laboratory Diagnostics of Diphtheria to Key Regional Laboratories in Nigeria


Copperbelt Microbiology Team Review Meeting


The Inauguration of the Nigeria National One Health Technical Committee


Biosafety and Biosecurity Training provided to University Lecturers in Ethiopia


Strengthen Laboratory Management Toward Accreditation (SLMTA) Training provided to public hospital laboratory professionals in Ethiopia


Africa CDC conducts a supportive supervision at the Namibian National FETP programme


Africa CDC conducts the Global Burden of Disease Training Workshop for Western Africa Member states in Lomé, Togo


“Strengthening and Developing Mentorship for Public Health Workforce in Africa” - The IHR Strengthening Project hosts side event at the Conference for Public Health in Africa (CPHiA) 2022


IHR Strengthening One Health team attends the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission Validation Workshop in Cote D’Ivoire


Regional Knowledge Hub Workshop in Ethiopia


One Health National Bridging Workshop in Zambia


Dr Wasif Shah and the Pakistan team reflect on the UKHSA conference and away days

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