Since 2017, the UK Health Security Agency’s (UKHSA) International Health Regulations Strengthening Project (IHR-SP) has supported the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control in strengthening compliance with the International Health Regulations (2005). More recently IHR-SP supported the establishment of a One Health governance structure and enhanced information sharing among stakeholders, resulting in improved joint risk assessment and the response to zoonotic disease outbreaks.

In recognition of these contributions towards institutionalizing the One Health approach to prevention and control of disease outbreaks, the IHR-SP was invited to support the 3rd Ibadan Public Health Conference 2024. The conference with the theme ‘One Earth, One Life, One Health, was organized by the Faculty of Public Health, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria and held from the 6 to 10 of May 2024.

The IHR-SP’s Nigeria team maintained an engaging presence at the conference with a dedicated stand. The in-country team showcased IHR-SP contributions in building capacity for joint risk assessment, and collaborative surveillance across the human, animal, and environment sectors. 

Various experts presented at the post-conference workshop on Public Health Threats and Global Health Security. Here, IHR-SP Country Lead for Nigeria, Dr. Olusola Aruna presented a session titled “Public Health Security for a Secured World.” Her presentation highlighted the linkage between health security and improving compliance to the core IHR competencies. She ended with a clarion call for greater collaboration and partnership.

The UKHSA IHR-SP was honoured with an award in recognition of outstanding contribution and dedication to One Health in Nigeria. Additionally, Dr. Aruna received an individual award for her exceptional facilitation and insightful presentations. It  highlighted her significant role in advancing One Health in Nigeria and promoting global health security.

Dr Aruna commented on the awards saying, “It is a huge honour to have IHR-SP recognised at this level in Nigeria. I am proud of how much the team has achieved for One Health, which is made possible by strong and dedicated partnerships across the system.”