
Meet Ebelechukwu and find out about her role within the IHR Project…

Ebelechukwu, IHR Strengthening Project Support Officer, plays a key role within the project and the work that we do in Nigeria. Ebelechukwu works closely with the project’s Nigeria based team which includes a Senior Public Health Advisor, Senior Health Advisor (WAHO/RCC), Technical Advisor (Surveillance and Epidemiology) and two Technical Advisors to the Director General of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control on Organisational Development and the National Reference Laboratory. Ebelechukwu supports the Senior Public Health Advisor to ensure the coordination and delivery of identified outputs and various projects within the workplan agreed with the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control. She provides a key role in ensuring activities are delivered to time, within scope and resource allocation. Her role also involves supporting in-country and UK based PHE technical teams including the Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards (CRCE), Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience (EPRR), National Infection Service (NIS), One Health and Workforce Development in monitoring deliverables and logistics planning on schedule.

She takes pride in being able to communicate with many colleagues and assisting them within the project to ensure smooth-running. A highlight for Ebelechukwu of working within the team is despite being remote, the team meets virtually every week and she is able to get to know individuals better through the “about me” presentations, where team members give others a more personal insight on themselves, an uplifting way to bring everyone together!

In the coming months, Ebelechukwu is looking forward to seeing the IHR Project grow and continue to work within this, as we move to UKHSA. Outside of providing valuable support to the Nigeria team, she values spending time with family and giving back to charity.

The Nigeria Team with IHR Project Consultant, Dr Ebere Okereke. Left to right: Ebelechukwu, Dr Ebere Okereke, Dr Olayiwola Oladapo, Dr Olubunmi Negedu-Momoh and Dr Olusola Aruna.