UKHSA is providing technical and logistical support to build the capacity of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and Provincial Health Departments of Pakistan in early detection and response to priority infectious diseases by implementing Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR). Timely submission of priority infectious disease data is vital for identifying disease outbreaks. To facilitate this from health facilities, the UKHSA in-country team introduced a DHIS-2 mobile phone application and training on how to use this. 

Figure 1 UKHSA In-country IT expert delivering DHIS 2 hands-on training workshop session to health facility in-charges of district Hyderabad, Sindh Province

UKHSA has begun pilot use of the DHIS -2 Android Capture mobile app, which allows health facilities to upload disease data, in collaboration with NIH and the People's Primary Healthcare Initiative (PPHI) in district Hyderabad of Sindh Province. For the successful roll out of the app, comprehensive hands-on training in the use of the app was developed and delivered to health facility in-charges by the UKHSA in-country IT team. A total of 46 health facility in-charges were trained to upload daily disease data using the mobile app. Provincial and district health authorities have appreciated the work and innovative ideas of UKHSA towards the implementation of an IDSR system in Pakistan.

The innovative and successful pilot of the DHIS-2 Android Capture App in district Hyderabad has enabled the UKHSA in-country team to plan and implement the app for data flow across all districts in the national IDSR network.

Figure 2 UKHSA team distributing certificates to successful participants in DHIS 2 Mobile App hands-on training workshop at district Hyderabad, Sindh Province