When you run alone you run fast. When you run together you run far.

(Zambian proverb – unknown origin)


The Workforce Development team have been running a new programme for the middle managers of Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI). The programme was developed in partnership with ZNPHI and is being delivered with a blended approach of face to face and online learning, facilitated by Peter Robinson and Jess Moll from the UKHSA IHR Strengthening Project.

The 6th and 7th October marked the beginning of the development programme for leaders and managers across ZNPHI and the Zambian Ministry of Health. 

The event was organised by the UKHSA Zambia team, led by Country Lead Joe Pett, and hosted by Dr Nyambe, Head of ZNPHI’s Workforce Development cluster. The event was opened by Dr Musonda, Acting Director of ZNHPI who warmly welcomed the delegates and colleagues from UKHSA, injecting energy into the proceedings.  During the two-day workshop delegates were encouraged to explore many topics relevant to their roles as managers and leaders such as “Knowing yourself”, “Managing Change” and having direct conversations.

Delegates were encouraged to take time to reflect on their own an other’s management practices, with a focus on how our actions can impact on each to positive affect. The content resonated with many delegates who indicated that insights related to emotional intelligence would be explored and embedded in their practice.

A highlight of the workshop was vision setting – enabling delegates to understand their beliefs and values and how these play a part in a vision for their future. One delegate feedback that “the sessions allowed for much participation and introspection”.

The event marked a new way of working for UKHSA by engaging with colleagues both face to face and via Microsoft Teams simultaneously, a multi-media approach that enabled delegates to get the most out of the content available to them.  The next step in our journey is to continue working with delegates virtually, with frequent sessions covering topics such as team performance, setting goals and influencing skills to name a few.  There will be 4 more virtual sessions with an in-person session to celebrate our learning and mark the end of the workshops.

We are looking forward to working with ZNPHI colleagues to learn more about management and leadership over the coming months.