The IHR Project's contribution to the global COVID-19 response is captured on the WHO Strategic Partnership for Health Security and Emergency Preparedness (SPH) Portal. The Resource Landscape section of the WHO SPH Portal displays the activities and areas of interest of partners involved in IHR and health security, based on the 19 technical areas of IHR 

Current IHR Project activity to support the response, funded by the UK Department of Health and Social Care is focused on the following IHR technical areas: 

  • IHR Coordination, Communication and Advocacy 
  • Biosafety and Biosecurity 
  • Surveillance 
  • National Laboratory System 
  • Human Resources 
  • Emergency Preparedness 
  • Emergency Response Operations 
  • Risk Communications 
  • Points of Entry
  • Chemical Events 

Detail on these activities, their objectives and the regions involved can be found by accessing the WHO SPH Portal below